LongevityMap Gene
Gene details
- HGNC symbol
- LOC107985064
- Aliases
- Common name
- uncharacterized LOC107985064
- Description
- Cytogenetic Location
- 17q21.2
- UCSC Genome Browser
- View 17q21.2 on the UCSC genome browser
- Ensembl
- UniProt/Swiss-Prot
- Entrez Gene
- 107985064
- UniGene
- 1000 Genomes
- 1000 Genomes
Homologs in model organisms
No homologs found
Studies (1)
Significant/Non-significant: 0/1
- Longevity Association
- Non-significant
- Population
- American (Caucasian)
- Study Design
- 291 SNPs in 30 genes in the insulin/IGF1 signaling pathway were evaluated in 293 long-lived cases and 603 average-lifespan controls (all female), then replicated the candidate genes in two independent cohorts: 279 cases (47% male vs 797 controls(52.6% male) and 383 cases (25.2% male) vs 363 controls (42.7 % male)
- Conclusions
- Apart SNPs in FOXO3A and AKT1, no associations with longevity were significant after correcting for multiple testing, though SNPs in 7 other genes (FOXO1A, GHR, GHRHR, IGF1R, IGFBP3, IGFBP4, and PTEN) had suggestive significance
- Indentifier
- rs7214466
- Reference