AnAge Database

Found 12 results. Showing results 1 to 12.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
02219Zalophus californianusCalifornia sea lion35.702219
02212Arctocephalus pusillusSouth African fur seal32.102212
02214Callorhinus ursinusNorthern fur sealNot yet established02214
02215Eumetopias jubatusSteller sea lion32.802215
02208Arctocephalus australisSouth American fur seal30.602208
02216Neophoca cinereaAustralian sea lion24.102216
02211Arctocephalus gazellaAntarctic fur sealNot yet established02211
02218Phocarctos hookeriNew Zealand sea lionNot yet established02218
02210Arctocephalus galapagoensisGalapagos fur sealNot yet established02210
02217Otaria flavescensSouthern sea lion2902217
02213Arctocephalus tropicalisSubantarctic fur sealNot yet established02213
02209Arctocephalus forsteriNew Zealand fur sealNot yet established02209