AnAge Database

Found 9 results. Showing results 1 to 9.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
03007Hystrix africaeaustralisCape porcupine23.103007
03008Hystrix brachyuraMalayan porcupine27.303008
03010Hystrix indicaIndian crested porcupine27.103010
03009Hystrix cristataAfrican porcupine2803009
03005Atherurus africanusAfrican brush-tailed porcupine22.903005
03012Hystrix sumatraeSumatran porcupineNot yet established03012
03011Hystrix pumilaIndonesian porcupineNot yet established03011
03006Atherurus macrourusAsiatic brush-tailed porcupineNot yet established03006
03013Trichys fasciculataLong-tailed porcupineNot yet established03013