AnAge Database

Found 10 results. Showing results 1 to 10.

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All HAGRID Species or taxon Common name Longevity Display entry
02956Jaculus jaculusLesser Egyptian jerboa7.302956
02960Zapus hudsoniusMeadow jumping mouse5.602960
02958Napaeozapus insignisWoodland jumping mouseNot yet established02958
02959Sicista betulinaNorthern birch mouseNot yet established02959
02957Jaculus orientalisGreater Egyptian jerboa5.502957
02953Allactaga euphraticaEuphrates jerboa4.202953
02961Zapus princepsWestern jumping mouseNot yet established02961
02952Allactaga elaterSmall five-toed jerboa5.202952
02955Allactaga sibiricaMongolian five-toed jerboa4.502955
02954Allactaga majorGreat jerboa702954