AnAge entry for Romalea microptera
Classification (HAGRID: 00023)
- Taxonomy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda (Taxon entry)
Class: Insecta (Taxon entry)
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Romaleidae
Genus: Romalea
- Species
- Romalea microptera
- Common name
- Eastern lubber grasshopper
Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits
- Maximum longevity
- Not yet established
- Observations
Caloric restriction has been shown to extend the lifespan of this organism, and to increase the number of clutches produced by females. Furthermore, it was observed that protein storage in the hemolymph did not change between individuals on caloric restriction diets or on normal diets [1460]. Ovariectomy was able to extend the lifespan of grasshoppers [1461].
Life history traits (averages)
- No information is available on life history. Please contact us if you wish to suggest or contribute data.
No information on metabolism is available.
- [1461] Drewry et al. (2011), Life-extending dietary restriction and ovariectomy result in similar feeding rates but different physiologic responses in grasshoppers (PubMed)
- [1460] Hatle et al. (2006), Calorie restriction and late-onset calorie restriction extend lifespan but do not alter protein storage in female grasshoppers (PubMed)
External Resources
- Integrated Taxonomic Information System
- ITIS 650546
- Animal Diversity Web
- ADW account (if available)
- Encyclopaedia of Life
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- NCBI Taxonomy
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