AnAge entry for Petauroides volans
Classification (HAGRID: 02573)
- Taxonomy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia (Taxon entry)
Order: Diprotodontia
Family: Pseudocheiridae
Genus: Petauroides
- Species
- Petauroides volans
- Common name
- Greater glider
Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits
- Maximum longevity
- Not yet established
- Observations
Not much is known about the longevity of these animals. In the wild they have been estimated to live up to 15 years [0434].
Life history traits (averages)
- Female sexual maturity
- 639 days
- Male sexual maturity
- 639 days
- Gestation
- Weaning
- 176 days
- Litter size
- 1 (viviparous)
- Litters per year
- 1
- Inter-litter interval
- 365 days
- Weight at birth
- 0.273 g
- Weight at weaning
- 150 g
- Adult weight
- 1,350 g
- Postnatal growth rate
- Typical body temperature
- 309ºK or 35.4ºC or 95.7ºF
- Basal metabolic rate
- 3.1910 W
- Body mass
- 1140.5 g
- Metabolic rate per body mass
- 0.002798 W/g
- [0978] Jones et al. (2009), PanTHERIA: a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals
- [0036] Savage et al. (2004), The predominance of quarter-power scaling in biology
- [0420] White and Seymour (2003), Mammalian basal metabolic rate is proportional to body mass2/3 (PubMed)
- [0434] Ronald Nowak (1999), Walker's Mammals of the World
- [0455] Virginia Hayssen et al. (1993), Asdell's Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction: A Compendium of Species-Specific Data
External Resources
- Integrated Taxonomic Information System
- ITIS 609821
- Animal Diversity Web
- ADW account
- Encyclopaedia of Life
- Search EOL
- NCBI Taxonomy
- Taxonomy ID 146632
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