AnAge entry for Carausius morosus
Classification (HAGRID: 00024)
- Taxonomy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda (Taxon entry)
Class: Insecta (Taxon entry)
Order: Phasmatodea
Family: Lonchodidae
Genus: Carausius
- Species
- Carausius morosus
- Common name
- Indian stick insect
Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits
- Maximum longevity
- Not yet established
- Observations
A study in caloric restriction has shown that, for these insects, a decrease in the resting metabolic rate was not the main cause in changes of longevity. Furthermore, caloric restriction and lower levels of resting metabolic rate were shown to cause a slower progression through the pre-adult life stages of the Indian stick insect [1441].
Life history traits (averages)
- No information is available on life history. Please contact us if you wish to suggest or contribute data.
No information on metabolism is available.
- [1441] Roark and Bjorndal (2009), Metabolic rate depression is induced by caloric restriction and correlates with rate of development and lifespan in a parthenogenetic insect (PubMed)
External Resources
- Integrated Taxonomic Information System
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