AnAge entry for Bostrychia rara
Classification (HAGRID: 01377)
- Taxonomy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves (Taxon entry)
Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Threskiornithidae
Genus: Bostrychia
- Species
- Bostrychia rara
- Common name
- Spot-breasted ibis
Lifespan, ageing, and relevant traits
- Maximum longevity
- Not yet established
- Observations
Little is known about the longevity of these animals and few have been studied in detail in captivity. One specimen lived for 8.3 years in captivity and apparently showed signs of ageing [0649].
Life history traits (averages)
- No information is available on life history. Please contact us if you wish to suggest or contribute data.
No information on metabolism is available.
- [0649] Brouwer et al. (1994), Longevity and breeding records of ibises and spoonbills in captivity
External Resources
- Integrated Taxonomic Information System
- ITIS 174961
- Animal Diversity Web
- ADW account (if available)
- Encyclopaedia of Life
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- NCBI Taxonomy
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- Ageing Literature
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- Images
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