DrugAge's Bibliographical Database
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Found 700 results. Showing results 1 to 20. | |
BIBLIO ID | Author and year | Title | External link |
17781 | Massie, HR and Williams, TR (1979) | Increased longevity of Drosophila melanogaster with lactic and gluconic acids. | PubMed |
17814 | Massie, HR et al. (1978) | Increased longevity of Drosophila melanogaster with diiodomethane. | PubMed |
17815 | Dilman, VM et al. (1979) | Increase in lifespan of rats following polypeptide pineal extract treatment. | PubMed |
17816 | Sincock, AM. (1975) | Life extension in the rotifer Mytilina brevispina var redunca by the application of chelating agents. | PubMed |
17817 | Clapp, NK et al. (1979) | Effects of the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) on mortality in BALB/c mice. | PubMed |
17822 | Milgram, NW et al. (1990) | Maintenance on L-deprenyl prolongs life in aged male rats. | PubMed |
17823 | Bozovic, V and Enesco, HE (1989) | Cortisone extends life span in the rotifer Asplanchna brightwelli. | PubMed |
17829 | Harrington, LA and Harley, CB (1988) | Effect of vitamin E on lifespan and reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans. | PubMed |
17836 | Wadhwa, R et al. (1986) | Life span studies in Zaprionus paravittiger with sodium hypophosphite feeding. | PubMed |
17856 | Richie, JP et al. (1986) | Dietary nordihydroguaiaretic acid increases the life span of the mosquito. | PubMed |
17860 | Beauvais, JE and Enesco, HE (1985) | Life span and age-related changes in activity level of the rotifer Asplanchna brightwelli: influence of curare. | PubMed |
17865 | Comfort, A et al. (1971) | Effect of ethoxyquin on the longevity of C3H mice. | PubMed |
17866 | Sawada, M and Enesco, HE (1984) | Vitamin E extends lifespan in the short-lived rotifer Asplanchna brightwelli. | PubMed |
17868 | Ooka, H et al. (1983) | Pituitary-thyroid activity and longevity in neonatally thyroxine-treated rats. | PubMed |
17874 | Sharma, SP and Wadhwa, R (1983) | Effect of butylated hydroxytoluene on the life span of Drosophila bipectinata. | PubMed |
17879 | Anisimov, VN et al. (1982) | Carcinogenesis and aging. IV. Effect of low-molecular-weight factors of thymus, pineal gland and anterior hypothalamus on immunity, tumor incidence and life span of C3H/Sn mice. | PubMed |
17881 | Miquel, J et al. (1982) | Antioxidants, metabolic rate and aging in Drosophila. | PubMed |
17882 | Enesco, HE and Verdone-Smith, C (1980) | alpha-Tocopherol increases lifespan in the rotifer Philodina. | PubMed |
17883 | Sharma, SP et al. (1995) | Plant growth hormone kinetin delays ageing, prolongs the lifespan and slows down development of the fruitfly Zaprionus paravittiger. | PubMed |
17892 | Massie, HR. (1994) | Effect of dietary boron on the aging process. | PubMed |